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About Us



The effort to understand ourselves is perhaps an even more adventurous undertaking than trying to conquer the peak of Mount Everest. Whilst Everest may be attainable, the discovery of oneself continues to evade us - unless of course one is willing to go beyond the peaks and valleys of human limitations and experience the vastness of human potential.


This potential can be realized by integrated solutions.


There are three layers of reality as mentioned in the sankya and other sastras. The first, adhibhautika (physical reality), operates on the physical layer and is the visible reality. The second, adidaivika, is a truth that is subtler and more powerful than human perception, it is between visibility and invisibility. Finally, the third reality, adhyatmika, is on the level of atma, which is beyond matter and energy, and is invisible.


Our solutions combine the knowledge of these three layers to provide integrated answers using modern psychology, astrology and the Gita perspective.


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B 15 Ankur Apartments , Opposite IIT Main gate , Powai Mumbai 400076
Ph: 7710082030

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